Category: Articles


The Makers Of Sri Lankan History

When the Buddha asked the Yakkahas a place to sit “(T)he yakkhas thus answered the Blessed One: “We all, O Lord, give you even the whole of our island. Give us release from our...


End of an era

With a heavy overload of historical memories, some tragic, some triumphant, some futile, and some memorable and everlasting, we have arrived, on the backs of the long-suffering people, in the 70th year of independence –...


Ranil’s futile war with the media

On the night that Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe won the no-confidence motion in Parliament (April 5, 2018) three separate but interconnected incidents occurred, within stone’s throw of each other: 1. he held a thanksgiving...


Tamil politics float on fake history

H.L. D. Mahindapala   Universities are expected to perform two primary functions:1. teach and 2. engage in research to generate new knowledge that would light the darkness for the lost contemporaries to find their...